Storm: Building Brand Loyalty

Over 70% of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand if it has a good loyalty program.

58.7% of internet users believe earning rewards and loyalty points is one of the most valued aspects of the shopping experience.


“One thing all marketers should know in New Zealand, is that kiwis love being rewarded. When you spend money and know that you’re accumulating points, it means you become loyal and that you come back."
- Marc van der Putten, Business Development Manager at STORM

Part four of four

Join us for our final part of this four part series with Marc van der Putten from Storm. This week, Marc talks to us about his loyalty program and how they use the system to not only build relationships with new customers, but improve their relationships with current ones. 


What we are after is showcasing who we are, what we do, what our brand is, so we can find that customer and that customer relates to us. Stays with us and that builds a relationship. 

We have a loyalty program. Every dollar that’s spent equals a loyalty dollar. Something that all Marketers in New Zealand should know is what kiwis love being rewarded. Why wouldn’t you? When you’re spending that money, and know you’re accumulating points, means that you’ll vcome back and means you’ll be loyal. You’re getting something more for that item. Having a loyalty program is critical to not only your exisiting customers, but an offering to your new customers. 

There are a lot of offerings out there. If someone sees that they get a percentage discount off their first purchase, there’s a loyalty program involved, and they love the brand, which is obviously important, then you’ve created a first, second and third sale. Not just a first sale and then you never see the customer again.

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